left Gospel Missionary Message: Something To Hang On To

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Something To Hang On To

The encouragement of promise.
2nd Thes. 1: 5-10

Remember when every one traveled by bus. Buses were filled. Street cars were jammed. Hanging down from the ceilings of those buses and street cars were leather straps which people could hang on to as the bus turned corners etc.

Those leather straps are long gone now, but they were so handy for those who didn't have a seat.

In 2nd Thessalonians, chapter 1, Paul is speaking to these new believers who have left the old ways and are standing with God in the midst of the crowd on the way to Eternity.

Three things we can hang on to when we are tossed about, crowded in a world that is heading for destruction.

1: The Promise of Reward:
"You will be considered worthy of the Kingdom of God." (verse 5)

In all the struggle to live for Me, the Lord has given something to hang on to. something that is stronger than you are. Something that will hold you firm and help you stand against the mob.

You will be counted worthy of the name, Christian.

The struggle isn't what saves us or makes us worthy. The pain of child bearing doesn't make us worthy. It was the suffering of the Savior, who in the midst of the intense pain of the cross died alone for us - for you - and there was nothing to hang on to. So he died that we might live.

2: The Promise of Recompense - the next promise to hang on to:
"I will repay them." (verse 6)

Beloved no one ever touches a child of God to do harm or to deter him, or discourage him, but what God will give recompense for that.

We sometimes say, "How can they do this to me? Doesn't God care?" Yes, and the Hand of Judgment will fall and it will be ample. Yet, God gives us time to repent, God gives them time to repent, and when the day of Judgement comes and there has been no repentance, the Axe will fall.

There has to be a judgement, a Hell. If there is no Hell there will be no justice either.

3: The Promise of Rest:
"...and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well." (verse 7)

Beloved, when Jesus comes there will be a day of rest. Heaven won't be a rest on the beach, nothing to do but rest. We say, "He has gone to his rest." Heaven isn't a place of rest. It will be as the verse, the rest of relief. With God's help we are home. No more struggle, no more pain, no more fighting to stand in a world of unrest.

We all need to hang on to the promise of God. Because He Never Fails.

We might think that God is not keeping His promise, but He is and all He asks of us is to hang on to them.

There is a little Chorus we used to sing. A simple Chorus that says:

Jesus never fails
Jesus never fails
Heaven and earth may pass away
But Jesus never fails.

Could we sing that as we close this morning, and keep the song in our hearts? Jesus' promises never fail. We have something to hang on to when the world around us is falling apart.

~Bill Gibson
Palisades 9/28/06


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Thought for Today

We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence… We need silence to be able to touch souls. ~Mother Teresa