left Gospel Missionary Message: From the desk of Bill Gibson

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

From the desk of Bill Gibson

This morning I came across a letter my dad had written several years ago. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

"Early in the morning, I get a cup of coffee and go to my little office. It is a small Morgan building on our lot. As I came out of the door, I saw a light on at my neighbor's house, and I could see my neighbor sitting at the table reading her Bible and praying. She came to know the Lord at the Bible Class and has grown greatly in the Lord. She is the secretary to the church that is next door to our park. Don, her husband, has no interest in the things of God but we are working on him.

It is amazing how God works to bring good news to hurting people! I would like to tell you about a lady at the Palisades. I saw her pacing from the hall to the group having coffee. She would move from place to place. She was the epitome of depression, distress and sad restlessness.

I had received in the mail a song, a revised version of the children's song, "Jesus Loves Me This I Know" written for senior citizens. As we sang this song, she looked at the copy I had given her and I could see her reading and drinking in every word. It was what she needed. Please pray for her. I haven't gotten her name yet.

The church next door to our park was once a great, growing church with many people, but now it is struggling and cannot support the pastor full time. He now works doing translations for businesses from English to Spanish. Mike, the Pastor, is Mexican and still studying here at the night seminary in El Paso. Cranel Lindsey, a Baptist pastor and long-time Friend, came to El Paso for a short visit and we visited Pastor Mike. He was very discouraged and we were able to encourage him. Now, we visit as often as we can, I to encourage him and he too, to encourage me and we blend our hearts in prayer together."

Bill Gibson
El Paso Texas
date unknown


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Thought for Today

We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence… We need silence to be able to touch souls. ~Mother Teresa