left Gospel Missionary Message: Mercy - A talk by Bill Gibson

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mercy - A talk by Bill Gibson

What is mercy?
Mercy is the kind and compassionate treatment of an offender, enemy, prisoner, or anyone under one's power... clemency.

Have you ever had a boss or a teacher or someone who was over you that was kind and compassionate even when you didn't do it right? Isn't that the one you remembered and liked? I suppose our parents were like that. Back in our early days, fathers were better than many are today. They had mercy.

Did you ever way back in your youth do something really stupid, something that you were told not to do but you did it anyway?

I remember my dad changing the tires of the first car we had. It was, in those days, not easy to take the tire off of the rim. You had a split rim, and if you didn't let the air out of the tire first, it would blow out.

My dad gave me the tool and said, "Be sure you let the air out first." But I forgot that, and when I split the rim, WHAM! the tire blew out. It ruined the tire, and the rim, but didn't hurt me. Then I remembered what my dad had said. (Let the air out first)

It was costly, but my dad didn't get mad. He didn't read me the riot act. He showed mercy. I had disobeyed him and it was a costly disobedience but he showed me mercy and I felt bad about it for a long time - but I loved my dad a lot more.

The bible speaks so often about the quality of mercy.. God's mercy.

If you look in your bible, and turn to Psalm 89, you will see that David had sinned and committed murder. He was punished, but God forgave him and had mercy on him and so David opens this Psalm with a song. When we receive mercy it will always bring with it a song.

"I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever"
~Psalm 89:1

God's mercy is forever:

  • It will not change
  • It hasn't changed
  • It will not wear out

And in verse two we see that God's "mercy shall be built up forever." If God has been merciful to us once, He will continue to be merciful. He will be faithful in mercy.

For the believer, those who have trusted in Him, whose names are written in His book. He is merciful to you even when you fall and fail. Remember this: God is not mad at you. He loves you, He likes you, and He will show mercy on you.

Now look at Psalm 89:14. God is just, and judgement is his habitation. He must judge the sinner. You cannot escape His righteous judgement except by only one way. That is by believing that Jesus died in your place and took the judgement that was meant for you, and paid the price. Then you become a child of God and forgiven. "Then mercy and truth shall go before you."

Because God is a merciful God, we can have fellowship with Him, and walk with Him no matter where.

"Blessed is the people that know that joyful sound."
~Psalm 89:15

Thank you,
it is my wish that this will be a blessing to you,
Bill Gibson, El Paso Texas 2002


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Thought for Today

We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence… We need silence to be able to touch souls. ~Mother Teresa